My verification request is complete. What do the results mean?

The Account Verification Service looks for specific details on the account you are verifying. When everything has been checked, you’ll get a list of results. We recommend you check the results before you decide to continue with the payment.

The results screen will show a ‘Yes’ for details that were found or matched. The following details are checked:

  • ‘Account found’ means that the account number you entered for this person or business exists.
  • ‘Account open’ means that the account you are verifying is an active account. If the account is not open, payments to this account may be rejected.
  • ‘Open longer than 3 months’ means that the account you are verifying was opened more than 3 months ago.
  • ‘Initials matched’ means that the individual’s initials on their account is the same as the initials you entered.
  • ‘Surname matched’ means that the individual’s surname on their account is the same as the surname you entered.
  • ‘Company name matched’ means that the company name is the same as the name you entered.
  • ‘Account typed matched’ means that the account type is the same as the account type you selected.
  • ‘ID/passport number matched’ means that the individual’s ID/passport number on their account is the same as the ID/passport number you entered.
  • ‘Company registration number matched’ means that the company registration number is the same as the registration number you entered.
  • ‘Accepts credits’ means that money can be paid into the account you’re verifying.
  • ‘Accepts debits’ means that money can be paid from the account you’re verifying.

The choice to pay this beneficiary is at your own discretion.