What does uncleared, available and balance mean?

‘Uncleared’ is the sum of all transactions that have not been processed yet. These include:

  • Payments (except future-dated and delayed Immediate Interbank Payments) that you have made but the money has not left your account yet.
  • Payments made to you but the money is not in your account yet.

‘Available’ is the amount of money that you can use for withdrawals, transfers, payments and purchases. These include:

  • Your overdraft - if you have one.
  • Amounts not yet fully paid to the bank which can still be reversed.
  • Future-dated transactions and delayed Immediate Interbank Payments that have not been processed yet.

‘Balance’ is the total amount of money that is currently in your account. The balance will often be different to your available balance because it includes uncleared transactions and overdrafts.